Companies continuously aim to streamline processes, to reduce cycle time and process costs, or to increase their service quality. This increasingly involves digitalization of all affected processes. The consultants of e.stradis support you with systematic approaches as well as their professional and IT expertise.
Starting points are for example:
By simultaneously considering business requirements as well as technical and organizational possibilities, we are able to support our clients efficiently in the optimization and calibration of their processes and systems.
In the BiPRO e.V. (i.e. "Brancheninitiative Prozessoptimierung") insurance providers, intermediaries, comparators, software vendors and financial advice companies work together to define standards for efficient cross-company processes based on modern web-service technologies. This not only effects tariff calculations, offers and applications but also all subsequent processes like alert services, provision reports, digital signature etc.
e.stradis actively contributes towards to designing these industry standards within BiPRO. Furthermore, we have a substantial experience in using the BiPRO standards to connect web-services to the resellers' systems. E.g. we supported our clients in connecting their applications to web-services of the German insurance companies from Allianz, Alte Leipziger, Axa, HDI-Gerling, and Nürnberger.
Many insurance providers try to be better than their competitors by using increasingly sophisticated risk assessments to calculate the individual tariff. Those assessments not only include classic questions concerning the costumer´s health but also questions about the customer´s profession or risk-relevant hobbies.
It is also increasingly often that insurance providers integratate risk assessment software into their own financial advice software or in the applications of intermediaries.
e.stradis spearheaded the development of the BiPRO standards for the dynamic exchange of risk analysis. Based on years of experience with BiPRO norms and with designing and implementing generic risk assessment software, e.stradis is the ideal partner to take advantage of the opportunities lying ahead.